Monday, April 23

50 Cent Gumballs and Boys who smell like Soup

I have an allotted amount of time to update this blog before i need to do the dishes, make dinner, fold the laundry, clean the floors, and well... read my book!

I read it, in a book: I don't read, so being on page 82 is impressive!! This book is about the yucky stuff in food and what it does once it is in you! Very good ideas, but i can not fully promote it until i finish it, which i am attempting to do!!

And he thought i lied: I do admit, i tell a lot of tall tales. But this one was always true. Jason bails out about 7:30 pm due to strenouos work, rock climbing, or my continual speaking. Timber LOVES to sleep ON him!! Jason never believed me, but i caught it on camera last night! I was laughing so hard, Timber even came down for a snack with me and got back up there. Jason thought i had been a dutiful wife and put a blanket over him!! I can't wait until Pet #2 is full grown!!

Whose that hound?: Tim-Tam is looking more and more houndish these days. IF he keeps it up, he will get fixed. Poor pet!! Enjoy the glory days!!

Snuggle Bunnies: Some people are afraid of them, but how could you be?? This is them passed out after an all day excersion of hot-laps in Christie and Greg's yard with Murphy. Tomorrow they will again commence ramming speed with hopefully the same results!

Ok enough with the stupid pets.
Boys Who Smell Like Soup: While out pre-riding the Fontana national course this past sunday, we saw a myriad of odd things. NOthing too shocking though. It was very curtious of the warring paint-ball factions to call a truse to let us ride through. AS we wound down the smooth (once in a life-time) single track you could hear them yelling "RIDERS" we waited and grouped up so that no lone rider would be left to fend for themselves. These guys mean business.

There was also a cleanup crew doing forced manual labor, i dont want to jump to conclusions as to where they call home....but.....they did an excellent job! There were big pick up trucks with the backs filled with shopping carts, toilets, lawn mower parts and anything else that had been left out to filter into the sediments.

On the last little technical climb, there was a group of boys who should have been doing homework, meandering around with odd shaped bags and skateboards. THESE guys are the ones who smelled like soup. And THAT was weird!!

Pitching a Fit: i haven't complained in a really long time, and this rant has absolutely nothing to do with me, so that means i can maintain my free-loving ora.

I am the California State Champion. Now before you think i am arrogant, hold on. This means i won a series based in CA. THis does not mean i am the fastest expert female racers 19-29 in the state. It means i raced the most events and beat people sometimes. It is not indicitive of true dominance, so i feel weird toiting the title. This year, the series was changed to the Southern Cal State Championship Series. There is Also a NorCal Series, which is actually pretty rockin! Fist event NVDC at my old college and a must for next season. EVERYON skip the mud fest, drive just bit farther north, and race this one. Please note, there were cash prizes and swooping single track through a forest...
Now the split has come with great controversy. People feel jipped, that they can no longer dominate a region the size of the eastern sea-board. Yes, it would be cool to be the East Coast Multi-State Champion, forever, i need to look into that. But this is how it worked last year: LArgest expert field 19-29: 4; Where they came from: 3 hours from my house (virutally Maryland and Delaware and Virginia and West Virginia) When the races in Humbolt County took place, and if i had decided to travel 15 hours to a NON-national race, guess who i would have raced against? Those SoCal Local Gals!!!

So, i propose a playoff or double-elimination tournament between the north and the south. Teaching PE and all i totally know how to set up tournies and make people feel positive about winning a consolation prize.

All in all, i am pleased to race without the pressure of traveling 800 miles to race myself just to maintain points. This way they points will be closer and harder to get because there are fewer events and no points and a half races.
That is all i have to say.

Actually, i have some more introspective tid bits, but food is a must!

Racing in Phoenix!

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