Wednesday, April 1

If it were so, I would be on Zoloft...

I was recently asked, by a fellow bike racer, if my self-worth was based on my race results and test results. Of course I laughed and said, well, if that were the case, I would definately be on Zoloft...

But its all a big process. The races have come and gone and its just the beginning of an amazing season. Although i haven't even looked at the results from Sunday, I have been told I am either not on them, or I don't have a time. Thats because i got pulled. That's right. Bottom 20% of the racers. Solid.

But...its all good. I am above my fighting weight, and I know why.
I am behind the curve, and I know the answer to this too.
I suffered a collaboration of issues that caused my brain to be elsewhere. My bad...
I enduced three yard-sale crashes saturday that have left me with a bruised rib or two, a left knee that is half again as big as it should be, a bum wrist and a moderately bad attitude.

But...I love to race my bike. I love the community, and if i werent 3 hours out from "getting up" and going to the airport, I would tell you more and maybe even drop some pics and links up in here!!

To say the least, Steve Marshal saved my race. I was "not in a good place" and having suspect thoughts coming through the feed zone. Home boy was running beside me, cheering and a speedo. I threw up a high five and went out on the next lap. That high five probably put me the 45 seconds back that cost me the last lap...But OH so worth it...

At the top of a nasty climb, i saw sponsor Leo from Pass PT standing at the top grinning. You gotta do the man proud...

I got to see my friends race and throw down and get dusty and do really bad and not feel good about the day or feel completely amped about their performance.

Now its time for all of us to collect, and go to the next step.
Mine is in Costa Rica, the others seem to be heading down to Sagebrush!
Happy trails my friends, and remember we ride because we love the process, and the people!

I am not sure if daily race updates will be posted, but if you are super bored and are wondering my fate in the jungle...check here...


Pedal Circles said...

Good luck down there! Either way I'm sure you'll have a blast. Very cool!

Sonya said...

Don't sweat it! Results will come. :) I have a feeling I am about to be in your boat... When I don't get the results I want, I just remind myself that I am riding/racing b/c I love riding my bike. Results are just a perk :)