Wednesday, October 1

When in doubt, post about someone else

"Well dear friends-this is FINALLY the email that says 'We did it'!!!

Carrie and I walked ourselves into Canada yesterday, September 21st at 11:45 am. It was bittersweet and incredibly surreal to have an end to such a grand adventure. My parents and our dear friend Pete met us on the trail, a few miles before the very end and walked the last few moments of the trail with us.

146 days after leaving the Mexican border we are stronger, leaner and hopefully wiser. It was a summer that we will never forget.Thank you to each and every one of you for following along and being our cheerleaders. We would never have made it without all the support, phone calls, emails, care packages and family/friend stops along the way. We don't really have a clue what's next but hopefully that comes together in the next few weeks. We'll keep you posted. You should know that we'll probably be laying around for at least the next few days."


Dustin said...


They walked from Mexico to Canada?

..... this should give me some kind of "if they can do that then maybe i could have ran the mile at school" epiphany.. but it's not.

.. yeah. that's crazy.

Trevor Walton said...

Bad. Ass.

That's a seriously long walk.

Maybe when the economy collapses, we're all jobless, and no one can afford gasoline, mass migrations via foot and bicycle will become the new normal.

Until then I'll just have to sit here nursing an f'ed up knee and wishing I could ride my bike; much less walk to Canada...