I talk a lot of smack. About a lot of different things. One of my favorite smack talk subjects is Cyclocross. I have to take back. All of it.
Last Sunday i decided to roll sorority style with the girls to Costa Mesa for a cross race. Sarah, Christie, Carolyn, Vanessa, Heidi, Tonya, Lisa....you get the picture. It was a who's-who of local racing and riding. Of course some boys were there too, like Steve and Matt and the BVB boys. I am quite a social creature, so i jumped at the option of a short race with lots of talking.
Hookin it up Coach Gareth style! i told him last year that WHEN i did a cross or road race, i would wear his kit, since he pretty much saved my life. Too bad i didn't do either or those kinds of events, until last sunday.
I also need to give a halla' out to HABERVISION who have HOOKED ME UP!!! Big time this year with racing glasses all the way to fashion ones!! They are the official eyewear for USA cycling you know...
Enough of this madness. OFf to the last XC race on sunday, and perhaps a cross race in the future...
Good luck in BB!
You spelled "holla" worng
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