Jeremy, the brother from Boulder, came to the IE for a bit of "down time." I so tricked him. We had a plethora of bikes to fit him on, free gym use, and list of honey-do's that i just didn't want to do on my own.
DAY ONE: Sent us to the gym where i teach spin for a 5:45am session. I tricked him on this one too. I told him the time, just not AM. After that, we did our circuit weights and headed to the hills for some mountain biking.
Not without a little trouble though. I seemed to find some mud. Pfff.
I won this stage.
Being from Boulder, he arrived with a bit a TUDE in regards to the Empire and our cycling options, but was soon smitten with the snow capped "peaks", clean air, and the accessability to trails from the front door!
DAY TWO: That's right, short sleeves, sweat on the brow, its January 4! This trek lasted just under 4 hours, hit 3 trail systems, and bit of pavement between.
Secret Trail Head: Although i have been told that training is no longer allowed to be called Covert (Items that fall under covert would be: Binge eating; lounging on the couch; not shaving the legs; ice cream or something silly like Tae BO)
BUT, some trail locations just CAN NOT be divulged on the NET! I won this stage too, but only because i knew the way, and riding through the Wash can be dicey between the rocks, TV's with bullet holes, and low-laying shrubs.
DAY THREE: Found us on the road with Adam where Jeremy realize we boast more rideable hill climbs than Boulder. You can only tell people SO many times, then you just have to show them! This was a neutral stage, yesterday Jeremy came to the conclusion he had lost his high altitude moxie, thus was feeling a bit winded.
DAY FOUR: Hampered by strong winds, a deluge of rain, and severely low temps (47 degrees) we decided to skip the Saturday Morning Road Championships and waited till the rain dwindled to a sprinkle and rolled out on the MTB's.
This was a funny day. Jeremy SAYS he raced a Boulder Cross race in 13 degrees, Fahrenheit. It was 50 out and he didn't want to go because it was cold. He put SO many layers on, i thought he was on a mountaineering expedition on Mt. Hood.
As soon as we rolled, he started to sweat.
Since it was the weekend, we invited friends.
Shelli and Matt were very happy to oblige.
Here is a photo of them riding, in the midst of the Worst Storm in Three Years. Pfff.
For this stage, we broke into divisions. Girls, and Boys. I think Matt won, or just rode away without us.
Perhaps next year will have an early camp so the trails in the mountains can be checked out and weather will be clear for a nice big group road ride.
Perhaps next year you can get an invite. or the call up. there is always wishful thinking...
Thanks for a great camp joy & friends. I left the IE ready for some serious racing! But me complement your IE? And hills? And me whine??? I don't know what you are talking about (psss - Joy, I thought the week was supposed to be "covert" and secret!)
Joy, you shouldn't make lite of the worst IE storm in 3 years. We lost power at my house for a couple minutes that day. It was horrible.
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