The effects of large pet, bored, in the yard, with large cardboard bike box...for the second time.
A daily battle caught on camera. we were just trying to have some QT, then he got all agro on me, wanted to walk himself and slobber on everyone.
For the past 3 days, the majority of my work day has been spent assigning these, opening them, attempting to fix the random problem as to why they will not open. I should be 1)Teaching kids how to play 2)teaching kids geography 3)lining the fields 4)surfing the web
MY NEW HOME, don't be a hater!
I got a bit of a storage unit. When you can fit your life in this space, with room to spare, you know you are either a)poor b)just out of college c)conscious of not having too many things d)homeless e)or someone else got all the cool big items that were in your house
Regarding your little storage unit and lack of material things, a guy told me one time, "Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner." Okay, well actually Robert DeNiro said it in the movie Heat, but they are still excellent words to live by.
ya those cool big items were DEFINATELY meant for YOU to have and not anyone else ! :)
? I hope this is just storage and not your new home? If you need shelter I'll let you use my bevy sack ;-). C'ya at Rim!?
I moved my whole life here in a 5x8 trailer. The more stuff you have, the more you stuff you have to worry about.
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